Don't Ignore These Signs Of Gum Disease

Gum disease can ravage your oral tissues and even threaten your teeth and bone health if you don't treat it in earlier stages. At Leading Care Dental, your gum disease provider in Garden City, NY, Dr. Robert Beckelman, treats all stages of gum disease and can identify it before you notice anything wrong.

Gum disease causes oral inflammation

Gum disease is a highly common oral health condition that starts in a phase called gingivitis. Gingivitis is a threat to your oral health, but its symptoms are mild. You might not have any symptoms at all with gingivitis.

As gum disease gets worse, it turns into a later stage called periodontitis. With periodontitis, the inflammation is much more noticeable and you probably have some other symptoms too. Your gums begin to pull away from the roots of your teeth, forming deep pockets along your gumline.

Never ignore the signs of gum disease

Whether you get symptoms in the very early stages of gingivitis or don't notice anything until you have periodontitis, any signs of gum disease are important to address with your dentist. Don't ignore signs and symptoms like:

  • Distinct gum redness
  • Gum swelling
  • Foul breath or a foul taste in the mouth
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Loose adult teeth
  • Gum recession, or teeth that look elongated

One very serious sign of gum disease, called a periodontal abscess, is a pocket of pus that develops near a tooth. It's the result of bacteria collecting in the area.

It is possible to identify and get treatment for gum disease if you don't have any symptoms. To do so, and to avoid experiencing the pain and other uncomfortable symptoms, you should visit your gum disease specialist in Garden City, NY, for biannual cleanings and exams. These cleanings also help prevent gum disease in the first place.

Leading Care Dental offers stand-out gum disease treatment in Garden City, NY. If you notice any gum disease signs, call (516) 256-2424 for an appointment with Dr. Robert Beckelman right away.

Hours of Operation


10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Tuesday, Wednesday:

9:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Friday, Sunday:



7:30 am - 2:00 pm
